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Παρασκευή, 14 Μαρτίου, 2025
ΑρχικήΕΝΟΠΛΕΣ ΔΥΝΑΜΕΙΣΗ Ευρώπη τιμά και η Ελλάδα αποστρατεύει...

Η Ευρώπη τιμά και η Ελλάδα αποστρατεύει…

Του Ηλία Προύφα

Ύψιστη τιμή για δεύτερη φορά, για έναν καταξιωμένο Έλληνα, Ανώτατο Αξιωματικό του Στρατού Ξηράς, την ημέρα της αποστρατείας του.
Ο λόγος για τον μέχρι προχθές Επιτελάρχη του NRDC-GR, Αντγο ε.α Χρήστο Δρίβα, ο οποίος σήμερα το πρωί, σε εκδήλωση στο Γαλλικό προξενείο της Θεσσαλονίκης, έλαβε δεύτερο μετάλλιο από τη Γαλλική Δημοκρατία, και συγκεκριμένα του Προέδρου Μακρόν, για τη συνεισφορά του, ως επιτελάρχης του Ευρωπαϊκού Στρατηγείου Λάρισας, σε στρατιωτική επιχείρηση στην Κεντροαφρικανική Δημοκρατία.
Η τελετή έγινε παρουσία του Δκτη του Γ’ΣΣ, των πρόξενων από τις ΗΠΑ, Γαλλία, Αλβανία, Γερμανία, ενώ συμμετείχαν, στελέχη του NRDC-GR και συνεργάτες του Στρατηγού.
Για την ιστορία να αναφέρουμε ότι, η επιστολή με την απόφαση της Γαλλικής Δημοκρατίας, για την τιμητική διάκριση, έφθασε στο NRDC-GR, λίγες ώρες πριν την αποστρατεία του Στρατηγού Χρήστου Δρίβα, από το ΣΑΓΕ.

Η Ευρώπη τιμά και η Ελλάδα αποστρατεύει…

Ακολουθεί η ομιλία του Αντγου ε.α Χρήστου Δρίβα.

Your Excellency General Consul of France, Distinguished, honorable guest,
On Feb 10, 2014, facing a political, security and humanitarian crisis in the Central African Republic and the risk of spread of mass atrocities, the Council of the European Union in accordance with UNSCR 2134 approved the establishment of a transitional military operation.
After presidents BOZIZE removal from power forced by mainly Islamic SELECA militias, riots and violence followed.  As a reaction BOZIZE summoned the mainly Christian self-defense militias of ANTI BALAKA.  The  clash  of both militias in Bangui started a vicious circle of violence and retaliation. Crime and revenge emerged all over the country and ended up in outrageous atrocities and a complete breakdown of any public structure.

Organized crime and armed groups infiltrating from neighboring countries aggravated the humanitarian disaster. About one million people were displaced, while 2.5 million people which is more than 50% of CAR’s population had been in painful need.
Therefore, EUFOR RCA military operation took place in support of the contingent of the African Union Operation MISCA and in addition to the French Force SANGARIS. The EU operation HQ in Larisa was activated under the command of French General Philippe Ponties, manned with 144 officers from 22 European countries and under a fast track process planned and successfully executed the operation. It was necessary to create the conditions for a SAFE and SECURE environment in Bangui IOT to pass the baton to a following on UN Peace keeping mission.
Initially planned for a period of six months after achieving FOC of the force the mandate of EUFOR RCA was extended after the request of both the CAR authorities and the United Nations to last a total of nine months.

After completion of the operation a lot have changed in CAR. The raging flames of violence of street riots and ethnic cleansing, of robbery and expulsion of mutilations and cannibalism have mostly extinguished thus the situation in Bangui in early 2014 has clearly relaxed. The number of people who had escaped from violence into the airport area of Bangui MPOKO decreased from more than 100.000 in Feb 2014 to 18.000 in Nov of the same year. Many displaced persons returned to their homes in the most suffered areas and restarted normal life. The amount of crime and violent acts decreased dramatically. NGOs enjoyed full freedom of movement and their support were delivered successfully to people. EUFOR has enhanced the people’s condition with many quick impact projects, enabled new beginning and provided hope and options for a new future.

Orphanages and hospitals have been repaired and equipped with basic materials. Schools, training centers and facilities of social life have been supported. Silted trenches have been cleaned, roads have been paved, donations have been distributed new business ideas have been initialized many more.
EUFOR RCA helped to set the condition for a return to peace and stability in CAR and for a new beginning at the political level as well.
EUFOR RCA was a common effort by many European countries. After the establishment of a safe and secure environment by SANGARIS, EUFOR RCA and MINUSCA it now about rebuilding security forces in CAR, armed forces and police.
The EUFOR RCA operation was a remarkable success on the way back to peace and prosperity in Central Africa as well as a strong indicator of European unanimity and determination in terms of common security a defense policy in close cooperation with international institutions an African Nations.

Your excellency, distinguished guests. I had the privilege and the honor to be selected among other officers of the Greek Army to be appointed as the Chief of Staff of the EU Operation HQ and the second in Command of General Ponties.
Today is a great, unique day for me.
I feel deeply honored by this high decoration. I am grateful to the Great French Nation for their recognition through this priceless honor. I am also grateful to the Greek Army and the Greek Nation for giving me the opportunity to represent them to this unique venture, the European Union Operation in Central African Republic. Please allow me to devote this medal to my collleagues, the staff officers of EUFOR RCA.
Thank you